BAJK is a fast growing commercial bank operating across the state of Azad Jammu & Kashmir with a network of 84 branches. The Bank is a wholly owned corporate entity of the Govt. of Azad Jammu & Kashmir mandated to mobilize private savings and public funds for diverting them to productive channels; promote industrial, agriculture, rural micro financing and other socio economic activities through active participation of private and public sectors and help under-developed areas, create employment opportunities and to assist overseas Kashmiris to effectively and profitably invest their savings in the State. The bank has a number of liability and assets products customized to fulfill the banking needs of people. The Bank believes that equal access to resources in the economy is smart economics and a powerful means of poverty reduction and a path to faster socio economic development. That is why the Bank has launched an innovative scheme of microfinance for those who have limited or no access to financial resources. A number of MOUs have been signed with various Govt. Departments where under markup free financing was available for eligible businesses. Bank’s deposit schemes are highly attractive and core lending products cover Agriculture, SMEs, Live Stock, Poultry, Micro Finance and Small business sectors are on low mark up rates. The bank serves all segments of the society particularly the women and senior citizens are being served as priority customers. To facilitate its customers in routing their payments/funds in Pakistan, the bank has standing arrangements with other commercial banks whereby Banker Cheques drawn by BAJK branches are payable at all such branches in Pakistan. Besides this, the bank has correspondent arrangements with major scheduled banks to facilitate inter-bank settlements on account of customers. VISION To act as a premier financial institution, fostering socio- economic development of the people of AJK.